Community & Business Professionals

As I shared in an earlier introduction page of the Nurtured Heart Approach® (NHA,) one of our innate human needs is to be recognized and accepted for who we truly are. In today’s complex, fast-paced world, it can be difficult to navigate through life with a strong sense of self without having a toolbox of skills and strategies to pull from. NHA provides individuals with techniques and tools to use in daily living that empower them to excavate greatness in others leading to the development of Inner Wealth™.

If you are a professional who works with parents and/or children in a clinical, treatment or church setting, NHA is a proven approach of interaction with kids that helps them learn self-care skills and growth in who they truly are. In NHA trainings, Natalie leads staff into seeing clients and each other through new lenses, where they witness positive growth not only in their clients, but also in the workplace.


Here are Ways Breathe Peace Consulting Can Support You in Your
Clinical, Treatment or Church settings



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