We, as human beings, long to be connected and in relationship with others. We long to be seen and understood. We long to be recognized for all that is great within us. We long for peace and joy. We long for acceptance. The Nurtured Heart Approach® is a lifestyle that intentionally nourishes those longings by highlighting and focusing on the positive truths of the moment and of who we genuinely are instead of making false assumptions of who we are by spotlighting the negative. This reversed perspective transforms how we view ourselves, others, situations, relationships—life—by igniting the greatness that lives in all of us, which structures the foundation of building lasting Inner Wealth™ propelling us to be the best version of ourselves.

Trainer Pic2_ColorNatalie Hanson is a certified trainer in the Nurtured Heart Approach® (NHA) and is passionate about sharing it with others. NHA has something for everyone. Whether you are a parent frustrated by the challenging and intense behaviors of your child, a teacher overwhelmed by the attitudes of your students and stressful classroom environment, a counselor looking for a successful option to share with others, a business owner desiring a way to motivate and inspire your employees, Breathe Peace Consulting utilizes NHA to support and guide families and communities in purposefully building positive, healthy, and connected relationships that accept people for who they are, celebrate intensity, recognize and acknowledge when things are going right, and ultimately help ignite greatness and build Inner Wealth™.




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