A few summers ago, my kids and I went to visit a dear friend. Since I didn’t know where she lived, she offered to meet us and be our guide. As I followed her, I got distracted and forgot to watch where she was going. When I finally realized I had lost her, I took the nearest exit. I could’ve been disgusted and upset about my inattentiveness and interruption to my plan. However, as I drove up the ramp to turn around and call her to apologize and get directions, I immediately recognized the reason as to why I had “accidentally” gotten distracted and took that particular exit. It turned out I had a “God appointment.”

Had I seen this scene before? Many times. Why was this time different?

I saw, from a distance, a homeless man on the corner of the stoplight where I was headed. I sadly witnessed car after car drive by, offering him nothing. Did I know his story? No. Did I know what he’d do with what I planned to give him? No. Did I know if he was legit? No. Did I know I was supposed to talk to this man? Without a doubt! How?

Maybe the cars before me didn’t have anything to give? Maybe they were concerned he would use their money for something bad? Maybe they were afraid or skeptical of this stranger begging for help? Maybe they were annoyed with the traffic because it interrupted their schedule? Maybe they were so distracted with their own life that they didn’t even notice him? Maybe they didn’t know what role to play? Maybe they didn’t realize the impact they could have?

We got to the red stoplight, and he was a few cars in front of us. So I did something I’d never done before. I put the car in park, grabbed my big bag of food (four boys and a road trip requires a lot of snacks), the cash I had on hand and got out of my car. As I approached him, I felt the eyes of strangers on me, probably thinking I was a little crazy. For the record, this had not been my plan.

I was gently greeted with a toothless smile and the most beautiful clear, blue eyes. I said “hello,” gave him the food and money and without a moment’s thought, I embraced this man…this stranger. He was a little shocked, to say the least. What happened next was so unexpected, so remarkable. He hugged me back and simply said, “God bless you.” We chatted for a moment and the cars began to move. My work there was done.

I wondered at what I had done and why. I wondered how long it had been since this man had felt the warm embrace of a friend. I wondered at how he had the power to bless me and move me to tears. I wondered if one small act could help change the world.

I don’t share this story to bring attention to what I chose to do that day because, trust me, there have been many more times in the past when I’ve just driven by. This was no plan of mine. I give all the glory to God for the gift of that moment. I’m sharing it so I can tell you that the annoying interruptions to our plans are often the work of God, the Holy Spirit waking us up to our divine appointments. I don’t want to be so consumed in my own plans, in my own life, in my own mess, to miss the places God needs me to show up and the blessings awaiting me by living in the moment.

This renewed perspective came solely from my intentional, quiet time with God every day, reading Scripture and praying. What’s so remarkable to me is that week I had been studying Scripture on generosity, and my prayers were filled with requests to God to open my eyes to where I am needed in this world. When I saw that man, I knew, without a doubt, this was a moment where God placed me because He knew He could count on me to do what He would’ve done.

Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help. Then your salvation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal. Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind. Isaiah 58:7-8

This Scripture doesn’t just urge us to give generously, but it promises us that God will bless us in return. How is it that someone who has so little can bless us so big? Let’s be honest, I didn’t give this man much. I did what I could with the resources I had at that moment and prayed that God would use my other brothers and sisters in Christ to continue to bless him.

As I drove away, praying for this man, I looked in the rear view mirror and saw car after car bless him with what they had to give. You see…we’re a team…a family. We, together, can bring Jesus to people on earth. We can use the gifts, talents, resources God has given us uniquely to build up His kingdom. We certainly can’t do it alone. But together we can shine our lights into the darkest places and make a difference. However, we have to be willing to be interrupted. There is most definitely a time and place for intention in our lives. And then…there is a time and place to embrace the spontaneous work of the Holy Spirit and take action.

I have a passion for helping others find their BIG purpose in life. I believe we all have a unique race to run and purpose to fill. In order to fulfill our purpose, yes, we need to plan and be intentional and pray for direction. Yet, we must expect and welcome interruptions. I challenge you, in the midst of your search, to keep your eyes, ears and hearts open so you don’t miss the daily purposes God needs you to fulfill. It’s not in the destination but the experiences in the midst of your race where you will find your purpose.

Where is God interrupting you today and why? How will you respond? I’d love to hear from you.

God’s speed, my friends!



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