Parents & Care Providers


Being a parent can often be the most rewarding and yet the most challenging role a person could ever play. After 10 years of being a stay-at-home mom and trying a variety of parenting philosophies and strategies with her four boys in an effort to keep the peace and raise them to be well-mannered, respectful, polite, and down-right good people, Natalie believes and embraces in the beautiful nature of the Nurtured Heart Approach® (NHA) because she has not only witnessed it transform her boys and their family dance, but has experienced the power of what true Inner Wealth™ can produce.

Through the teachings of NHA, Natalie equips parents, with children of all ages, to see past the negative behaviors to the heart and soul of who their children really are by providing them the best emotional nutrition to grow, recognize their greatness and build their Inner Wealth™. As parents become familiar with the workings of NHA and begin to implement the strategies in their homes, they begin to notice a behavioral switch and transformation in their children and improvement in all of their family relationships; to witness their children seeing others in a new, positive way; and to breathe in peace and joy instead of chaos and anger.


Here are Ways Breathe Peace Consulting Can Support You in Your
Parenting & Child Care Journey


Check out this Nurtured Heart Approach® video that highlights how the approach is being used successfully in family, school and clinical settings.



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